
Weight Loss: Little Steps Can Produce Big Results by Cathy Barela

Weight Loss; Little Steps Can Bring Big Results

If you are struggling with weight loss, you probably are feeling overwhelmed by how to get back to your desired weight. By taking little steps towards your goal, you may achieve results much faster than you think. Most people give up and continue their sedentary lifestyles and eating the wrong types of foods because they feel it is impossible to get back in shape. Just as we have to learn how to walk before we can run, the same is true with weight loss. By staring t with little or baby steps and you might surprise yourself at what a difference it can make in losing weight.

In order to lose weight, the body needs to speed up its metabolism. There are easy ways to do that without strenuous exercise. One thing that speeds up the metabolism is by getting oxygen to the brain and getting your circulation flowing. A simple way to start an exercise program that doesn't take too much effort or time at all is by stretching. Take five or ten minutes in the morning and do simple stretches. Breath out all of the air you have inside you and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds, if you can. While you are doing this, stretch one arm. Then let the air out. Do the same with your other arm, your back, and legs and any other area of your body you feel like. It is an incredible feeling. You will feel great! You will be stretching muscles that you didn't even know you have! This gets oxygen to the brain very quickly and you will feel the circulation in your entire body.

It is important, of course, to drink lots of water if you are planning on losing weight. If you're not used to drinking water, start with 4 glasses a day. You may be surprised how quickly you get used to the taste and want even more. It is recommended that we drink 64 oz. a day but it might take some time to work up to that. By keeping a big jug in the fridge it may remind you to drink it. If you start small you can work yourself up to more as you see fit.

Eating the right kinds of foods is vital to weight loss. By eating the right kinds of foods at certain intervals during the day, your food will become fuel that burns, instead of becoming stored up fat. When you alternate certain foods during the day, you may see a remarkable improvement of weight loss. It is so easy and the results are truly amazing You will never be staring yourself as you watch the pounds melt off your body

These are very simple, little weight loss tricks that can bring incredible results. The important thing is to do something each day, no matter how insignificant it may seem. By following these steps, you will have so much more energy and notice a tremendous change in your overall health and well being.

About the Author
Cathy lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She loves the mountains, sports, outdoors, music, writing and helping people achieve their goals.

A Healthy And Successful Weight Loss Diet by Carl DiNello

If you are like most people who are concerned about their weight, chances are you place far too much importance on watching out for the foods you shouldn't be eating, and not enough importance on the foods you should be eating. Daily nutritional allowances for vitamins and minerals are recommended for good reason. Without meeting these daily allowances, your body can't function properly.

To start, forget about any fad weight loss diet that promises instant weight loss, and requires you to eat one specific category of food for extended periods of time. There's no single type of food in existence that can provide you with the variety of necessary vitamins and minerals you need for healthy body function. Not only that, chances are you won't be able to stick to a fad diet for very long. Diets that require you to eat only one kind of food soon become so boring that you'll be back to your old eating habits in no time.

There's only one kind of weight loss diet that health professionals recommend for safe weight loss. It doesn't involve eating obscure foods, or only one type of food for an extended period of time. It's the same diet you have been hearing about all your life. The only diet for proper weight loss is a nutritionally balanced diet.

A nutritionally balanced diet will contain enough vitamins and minerals to help your body function well, and enough carbohydrates, protein, and fat to meet your energy requirements. This diet is high in healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

The best part of eating a balanced diet for weight loss is the added benefit these foods offer by making you feel full without adding significantly to your calorie intake. Fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals are all low in calories. They are also high in vitamins and minerals

So when trying to lose weight, be sure you don't cut these healthy foods out of your diet. Just eat smaller portions of everything. To safely lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you will need to reduce your total daily calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories. It is important to distribute the remaining calories into carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Your body needs all three!

Carbohydrates are your body's primary source of energy, and are found in a wide range of foods that include whole grain breads, pasta, rice, and sweets. However, as far as the sweets go, they are high in calories but offer little, or no nutritional benefit. Leave them out of any weight loss diet. Be sure to meet your body's carbohydrate requirements with foods that are nutritious.

Protein provides us with the necessary material for tissue repair, and growth. Protein can also be a source of energy for the body, but only as a last resort. Some foods that are high in protein would be meat, fish, legumes, and whole grains. Remember, that when it comes to meat, red meat is high in fat. Unless you enjoy extremely lean cuts, it might be best to minimize your intake of red meat while on a diet. You will be far better off sticking to fish, legumes, and whole grains.

Fat intake should be as little as possible when trying to lose weight, even though it is true that your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly. Fat is available in a wide range of foods, but you should stick with the healthiest sources which will come from fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

A solid weight loss diet will include foods from the different food groups that provide you with the highest amount of vitamins and minerals. To maximize the success of your weight loss diet you must add regular physical activity. If you follow a proper balance of diet and exercise, you'll be well on your way to successful weight loss.

About the Author
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internets most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!

Green Tea And Weight Loss by Kathryn O'Neill

There's recently been a LOT in the weight loss news concerning green tea.

Green tea's weight loss effects have been causing more and more people to start sipping the ancient Japanese brew.

But just how does green tea help you lose weight? And does it really work or is it all just hype? This article gives you the real facts about drinking green tea to lose weight.

Advantages of Drinking Green Tea for Weight Loss:

1) Green tea revs up your metabolism

A study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a metabolism 'boost').

The researchers also concluded that that over a 24-hour period, green tea extract increases the metabolic rate by 4%. These effects are probably due to the high concentrations of catechin polyphenols found in green tea. These work to help intensify levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis (the rate at which your body burns calories).

2) Green tea inhibits fat absorption and helps glucose regulation

Experts tell us that the catechins in green tea help to inhibit the movement of glucose into fat cells. Green tea may also act as al glucose regulator. It helps to slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. This prevents high insulin spikes (lots of insulin promotes fat storage) and the subsequent fat storage.

3) Green tea may help reduce appetite

Scientists at the University of Chicago found that green tea caused rats to lose up to 21 percent of their body weight. Rats injected with a green tea extract lost their appetites and consumed up to 60 percent less food after seven days of daily injections. This may have something to do with the blood sugar regulating effects of green tea.

4) Green tea can help you save calories on your morning brew.

We are a nation hooked on our java. Be it the regular double-cream, double-sugar standard or that mocha, dappa, frappucinno, the calories we ingest just to get our morning caffeine is wreaking havoc on our waistlines.

If you want to save mega-calories in the morning but still get your caffeine fix, try substituting green tea for coffee. Or have a green tea in the afternoon instead of that 700 calorie mocha-chillate dream. You'll definitely notice the difference in your waistline after a few weeks.

So there are 4 ways that green tea can help you with weight loss. But how much do you actually have to drink to get these amazing metabolism boosting effects?

Experts vary but the general consensus seems to be that 3 - 5 cups of green tea per day is optimal. Doing this can help you burn an extra 70 calories per day which amounts to 7 pounds per year. Pretty good for not exercising or cutting calories, right?

However, 3 - 5 cups can be a lot for some people, so you might also want to consider green tea extract, green tea pills or a green tea patch.

Disadvantages of Drinking Green Tea For Weight Loss:

#1) Green tea is not a magic bullet

While some people will tell you that green tea is the be-all-end-all for weight loss success, I think the keyword here is balance. You're not going to eat 5000 calories a day, drink a cup of green tea and make it all go away - it just isn't going to happen. A healthy diet and increased exercise will go a long way in helping you lose weight and keep it off.

#2) Be cautious of the caffeine if you have health problems

For some people that have heart troubles, high blood pressure or stimulant sensitivities, the caffeine in green tea may not be the best idea. If you're worried about the caffeine from green tea, try taking green tea extract. Most green tea extract is made from decaffeinated green tea so you can still get the weight loss benefits without the caffeine.

If you think the caffeine may be a problem, make sure to consult your doctor before starting green tea for weight loss. Also make sure to consult your doctor before starting green tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Bottom Line: Green tea helps you with weight loss by boosting your metabolic rate, regulating your blood sugar, suppressing your appetite and giving you something else besides that high calorie, high sugar coffee beverage to drink in the morning. While it's not the magic bullet, it can definitely give you a boost in weight loss and in your overall health!

About the Author
Kathryn O'Neill is a contributing writer to Diet and Weight Loss Reviews: For more free weight loss tips and articles, visit: Reprint Rights: All Links MUST BE CLICKABLE. Copyright Kathryn O'Neill

Let's kill obesity-let's find alternatives to diet pills by Chris Read

The medical world created quite a stir when the magic of diet pills intervened and successfully reported 5 to 10% of body weight loss! These pills though considered phenomenal in the weight reduction program yet they are meant only for short term usage and are used in conjunction with diet restriction and exercise. In all, prescription diet pills are not stand alones in weight loss management and to understand their basic nature we will have to study the basic nature of anorectic drugs.

Let's take the case of Bontril as popularly known!

What is Bontril?

* Bontril is a sympathomimetic amine class of drugs much like amphetamines. It is also known as "anorectic" or "anorexigenic" drugn stimulating the central nervous system (nerves and the brain) which increases the blood pressure and heart rate, thereby, causing a decrease in the appetite.

* Bontril diet pills are used only for short term and are recommended or prescribed by a doctor along with balanced food and exercise.

* Bontril cannot be taken by people with certain health conditions. They are:

Heart disease
High blood pressure
Thyroid problems
Anxiety disorders
Seizures or epilepsy
Pregnant women
Breast-feeding mothers
Drug or alcohol abuse
* This medicine is also not suited for people taking certain medicines like monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) group of medicines like isocarboxazid (Marplan), tranylcypromine (Parnate), phenelzine (Nardil) in the last 14 days.
* The side effects of Bontril diet pills may vary from normal to severe, depending on the effect of the medicine on the body and follow-up with the doctor to check the progress of the pill on the body and weight loss. Tolerance to this medicine must be avoided at all costs as this might trigger the severe health risks to the body. The side effects could be:

Blurred vision
Chest pains
Gastrointestinal troubles etc.
Precautionary measures
Bontril or phendimetrazine tablets are taken only if the doctor has given a clear certificate on the health check up. Usually health risks that are associated with this class of drugs can be avoided if the following precautions are followed.

Always consult your doctor before taking weight loss pills. Ask about health risks. Follow instructions, do not overdose. The health risks of overdosing on weight loss pills can be severe. While taking the pills, maintain contact with your doctor. Describe any side-effects. Unless advised by your doctor, do not take any weight loss pills for longer than a few weeks. The health risks of weight loss pills increase with length of use. When buying over-the-counter weight loss medications, check with your pharmacist that the pills do not clash with other medications. Since certain diet pills contain similar active ingredients to (e.g. decongestants, cough medicine), combining certain medications with weight loss pills carries health risks of accidental overdosing.


Drug therapy in weight loss program is always used along with exercise regimen and diet control. It is an ongoing struggle and therefore used only in extreme cases of obesity with a BMI over 30. There is no magic in reaching ideal or dream weight and these exist only in utopian fantasy! The only way of dealing with obesity is having a strong support system to help one fight the battle with patience and sincerity.

About the Author
"Chris Read" is an associate editor to the website It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and phentermine. We also provide articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email

5 Quick and Easy Fun Ways to Get in Shape By: Emily Clark

Getting and staying in shape doesn’t have to be dull and boring!
Try some of these fun fitness activities to make your workout
time more enjoyable.

MUSICAL EXERCIES – Put on your favorite music and do some yoga!
No need for slow, elevator music. Move to your favorite beat. Or
pop on the headphones or earphones and grab your MP3 or cassette
player or handheld PC and bike to a nearby park. Too cold or
rainy? Then head to a mall or other enclosed area where you can
walk. Caution: make sure you are alert while listening to music
with headphones or earphones.

FUN IN THE SUN – Check out the latest tanning solutions and try
fun, scented versions with funky, multi-colored sunglasses. Grab
your cassette player or MP3 player and favorite tunes. And pack
some flavored water, new flavored health bar that you’ve been
dying to try and some frozen berries in your carryall for breaks
and have a “sense”-ational time.

FITNESS CLASSES – Try out a new fitness class for fun. Enjoy a
full water aerobics workout with less stress on your joints. Grab
some colorful water gear and swim to the beat. Or try a dance or
Jazzercise routine. No need to commit long-term, just ask about
popping in for a class or two to check it out and enjoy. Meet new
friends and get fit all at once.

VCR / DVD – Head to the library or local rental store and grab a
fun fitness video or DVD. Crank up the sound when your favorite
tunes come on and join the taped workout participants in the
privacy of your own home.

GYM / FITNESS CENTER – Dig out those coupons you’ve been
receiving in envelop mailers and those money saving coupon
magazines. Again, no need to commit long-term. Just head on over
and use the free or low-cost trial / invitational period and

JOURNALING – Spice up your logging routine with an inexpensive
new journal from a discount or dollar store nearby. Crate snazzy
charts with colored markers. Add bright colored stickers for each
workout. Paste or tape clipped pictures of your goals throughout
the covers and inside sections. For example, paste pictures of
that vacation spot you want to travel to with your new, healthy
YOU wearing a new swimsuit.

So add some fun in with your fitness activities. Wake up your
senses with new taste, smells, sights, touches and sounds. Forget
that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” stuff. Workouts
plus play make Jack a fun, fit boy!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

About The Author...
Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News
where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on
many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

Where You Live Affects Your Fitness by Tony Robinson

During the course of your growing up years, you lived wherever your parents chose to live. You didn't give any thought to the health implications of the location your parents chose, or if they had chosen a place that was conducive to your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Chances are your parents didn't give it much thought either. Not until recently, has there ever been given any thought to the fact that where you live affects your level of fitness. But it does, and it's a piece of information that is sure to influence many generations to come.

So how is this information compiled, and what can we learn from it? The information is compiled based on statistical information from areas such as smog levels, pollution levels, water quality, government based fitness incentives, and recreational and fitness facilities available. Generally, one of the major magazines published in the United States, will compile all this statistical data, and publish an article as a recreational guide to healthy cities.

What do we learn from all this published information? That where we live really does affect our health and well-being, and sometimes, there's very little we can do about changing that fact. Unless, of course, you want to move. Often, the greatest contributor to our health and fitness, via our outside environment, is the level of pollution we're forced to live with on a daily basis. How do we absorb pollutants in our outside environment? The most common way is through the air we breathe. It is not the only way, however.

The water we drink, the homes we live in, and the cars we drive, all have the potential for unhealthy contaminants. Our work environment at one time was a contributor to the pollutants we were exposed to, but thanks to greater Environmental Protection regulation, most of those dangers have been eradicated.

Past the pollutants contribution, the availability of health facilities, the amount of government support for health and fitness, and the availability of medical faculties also affects our health and wellness from a location standpoint. If you live in a rural area with no direct access to health facilities, and there is no medical facility, your level of fitness and health will not compare to that of a person who lives in a more populated area that can offer those things. The down side to the more populated area, of course, is a greater risk of air pollution.

Some areas of this country are just fitness conducive. Places where the air is still free from pollutants, there is an availability of hiking, biking, and walking trails, and the medical and fitness facilities are numerous. The problem with most of those places, however is that they are mostly of a recreational base, not manufacturing or otherwise industrialized, and jobs are not that numerous. What can you do about your own fitness concerns, based on where you live? Make the most of where you are. Educate yourself about the greatest fitness problems in your area, and do what you can to make corrections for your own fitness benefit.

About the Author
Tony Robinson is a CEO and Webmaster. He has a young family and a keen interest in health and fitness. Visit his site at

Health and Fitness for Life by Andrew Constantine

Health is a funny thing. It is given to us as a child and we enjoy it without any appreciation for having the ability to do what we want to physically. We run, jump, skip and just have a ball with the energy and fitness we have without having to work for it.

As we grow into our early twenties, most of us slow down from our most active years and don't get as much 'natural' exercise. We walk less, definitely run less and for the most part, 'settle in' to a more comfortable life of going to work and, eating on the run, then getting home in time to watch TV all night. (not too much exercise in that, except for the thumb - changing channels)

As we approach and enter our thirties, we tend to gain a bit of weight, lose some muscle composition, and begin to notice that climbing a couple of flights of stairs leaves us 'catching our breath'. This is the beginning of a long, downward spiral of loss of health and fitness that slowly sneaks up in us - the next thing we know we are in our early forties and some of our friends are talking about the best blood pressure pills or anxiety reducing medications over lunch. What has happened?

Simple Daily Strategies
The best way to stop the plight of health decline is to begin with some simple daily strategies. One of the biggest reasons that health improvement products are everywhere is that humans have a tendency to look for the 'quick fix' and avoid having to commit to any long term fitness activity. We begin a diet or fitness program that lasts for twelve weeks and three days into it we rationalize that the timeframe of the program doesn't justify the commitment - so we quit and forget about our health until the next reminder shows up.

The solution is to create a short list of simple daily strategies that will keep us involved with making healthy choices, without causing us to give in and give up. Some examples of this strategy are to take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a block from work and walk the extra five minutes, throw a couple of apples in your bag to take to work so you stay away from the vending machine.

Some other ideas are:
- Do a little yard work instead of sitting down on the couch after work.
- Walk the golf course instead of renting a cart.
- Put a set of hand weights on the floor at the base of your couch so you can do a few simple reps while watching TV.
- Don't by sweets, cookies or ice cream when grocery shopping. The easier it is to get that less than healthy snack, the more often you will indulge.
- Create a list of 'healthy alternatives' for your grocery list. Apples instead of cookies. Bottles water instead of soda. Wheat bread instead of white bread. Margarine instead of butter. Yogurt instead of ice cream.

These small, simple changes can do a lot to improve your overall health quickly and are more likely to stick with you once you develop the habit of eating better and looking for quick ways to get in ten minutes of walking here and there. Its a lot easier to walk a little further to work that it is to commit to getting to a health club three times a week. You'll stick to it longer if you don't feel the pressure of the commitment.

Exercise Tips
For building overall fitness, you will want to create a simple exercise program. No, not one of those 3 page, 20 different machine workouts that confuse you into quitting. Get a set of hand weights, a simple weight bench and if money allows, some type of aerobic machine like a treadmill or elliptical machine for the cardio workouts. If you have the tools in your home and nearby, you will be more likely to spend fifteen to twenty minutes working toward a better body.

Long Term Effects
A leaner, healthier body will function better and more efficiently. Health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity are much less likely. Overall attitude and outlook will change when your body functions better.

Short Term Effects
You will have a clearer view of your day if you spend twenty minutes working out. You will lose weight and tone up in a short period of time. You will notice that you have more energy at the end of the day when you workout.

Creating and Living Your Plan
Sit down and write out a list of exercises that you like. (if you say you don't like any - write the ones you dislike the least.)

Find a way to do those exercises 3-5 times a week for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Do it - you'll be better for it.

About the Author

Andrew Constantine is the editor for several informational fitness sites.